Friday, November 27, 2015

Marcie Hawkins

Concept: Stage Manager of Crime

AKA: Most know her only as “The Operator” or “SM”  Only contactable by a very anonymized Email Address and a Skype number.

Desc: While not particularly athletic anymore, Marcie is still fit and has good energy. She wears clothes that she can move in and normally keeps her hair tied back. She still runs every other day and is uncomfortable in anything other than sneakers. Wears glasses. Her natural hair color is a bright red that she dulls down because it’s too conspicuous. 

History: Marcie doesn’t talk about her old life much. Orphaned relatively young as the result of a car accident she bounced around from indifferent family member to indifferent family member. Times were occasionally grim, but she never was abused and she was never molested or anything like that.  It’s just that, from the point of her parent's death onward, Marcie became very independent and very much a lone wolf.
  When she was old enough, she enlisted in the Marines. Learned everything they would teach her. Did her tour of duty, saw action even. and when she mustered out, took her G.I. Bill and went to college. 
     Marcie has a naturally organized turn of mind. It extends into nearly every aspect of her life. She majored in business, but along the way ended up dating an actor and getting involved in the college theater program. Marcie found that she had a natural flair for stage management and was capable of seeing problems before they occurred from a long way off.
     Adam was a very talented actor, but he was also the sort of creative type that often felt like he was wasn’t being creative unless he was destroying himself a bit.  As a result, he smoked, drank, and took many illicit substances.  He WAS able to keep level for long periods of time without some kind of incident. And they did have a decent relationship for the most part. 
   But then Adam got sick. Too many cigarettes you know?  And money got tight. and they both had student loan debts out the yang.
It turned out that Adam knew a number of sketchy people and so, when the money got tight he reached out to them. They put him to work as a face man on a con.  He was able to bring in some money doing this and cover some of the hospital bills, but he kept getting sicker and he wasn’t responding well to treatment. Finally, Marcie started asking him certain questions... and rather than let him dangle out there alone, she went along with him on the con.  The others weren’t keen on it until her organizational skills saved their collective bacon during a move gone wrong. 
      Marcie understands that crime isn’t the best way to make a living, but there are bills to pay and Adam still needs hospice care.

Attitude: “Who am I exactly? I am the woman who is running this operation. I am the woman who has compiled a dossier on you and your activities over the years. I am the woman who can slot this information into the hands of 6 separate law enforcement professionals with a single phone call.  Now you can either get your gear and do your fucking job...*takes off safety* Or...You can keep standing there making me think you're going to be a problem down the line.”

Skills: Marcie has ice water in her veins. She has truly superhuman composure and resolve. Physically, she’s more interested in stamina training and does yoga to remain flexible. She’s got a business degree and is very computer capable. She is educating herself all the time about criminal subculture and has dots in FS: Sniping. She’s got multiple specialties in Craft.

Gear: Marcie does a lot of her work on a Laptop which is normally top of the line. She is never without a pistol, 4 clips,laser sight, and a silencer. She has a loaded smartphone with useful apps and it can connect to the laptop to run scripts from voice commands.

Home: She dislikes meeting with other criminals for the most part, (There are a few very professional criminals that she actually likes.) but on those rare occasions when she MUST take a meeting or arrange a “Rehearsal”  The Danksy Street Theater is run down and decrepit on the outside. but inside, it’s warm, clean, and slowly being restored to its former glory.  Marcie bought the place a couple of years ago. She lives there, in a nice spot under the stage in a little apartment she’s made for herself.  Someday, She thinks, maybe she’ll get out. open the theater herself.  She keeps ratholing money away and slowly doing the rehab herself.

Circle: Marcie doesn’t have a lot of friends. But she does have a fairly decent Rolodex, and for her purposes, that’s just as good. Marcie is, with the exception of Adam, as lone wolf as they come. Adam...for his part, hopes that Marcie can find someone else. He’s worried she’ll close up after he’s gone...Which will be soon.

Story Uses:
* “Actors to your places please.”
Marcie is a brilliant planner and producer of criminal activity. She’s normally the girl in the van, owns the surveillance feeds, has a dozen diversions on tap should something go sideways. can divert police attention with effortless speed and guile. Can produce unimpeachable alibis. Has useful crafting skills. and on a couple of occasions, has broken out her sniper rifle and made certain that her “actors” were able to leave the stage. It’s a living.  The only weird thing is, she really isn’t interested in choosing the targets. She’s perfectly willing to accept jobs from outside parties. 

* “Standby cue 6. Cue 6...go.”
Marcie is the woman you call when you want things to go smoothly. When you don’t want unnecessary bodies or attention.  Granted. Things go wrong in crimes. Most people aren’t smart enough to think of 5 things, Marcie can think of 35. But even so, Marcie works very hard to not have to take a life.  But...You should be aware, that she CAN pull the trigger if she has to.
Marcie is the kind of criminal, that other criminals, PROFESSIONAL criminals want to work with.

* While Marcie work mainly on heists and cons, occasionally, she is called about crimes involving the taking of lives. One of the few she'll work with is Immanuel Washington.
Don Pentangelli has occasional work for her. He wishes more of his boys had ice water in her veins like her.
T.C. Mitnick is in her Rolodex and does some of the work that keeps her off of law enforcement's radar.
* Clavo Hernandez is known to her. She's arranged for some documents from him through channels. Wouldn't know him if she saw him on the street, though.
*The Borland Farm is known to her. Once, There was a gig where someone got greedy, and then there were problems. Fancy that. Just one of those little things tucked away for a rainy day.
*Homer Conway is in the Rolodex under "Props"

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