Concept: Up and coming mob guy
AKA: Most people, including his mother, call him Paulie, He insist that his mob nickname is “The Snake” but most of the other guys who have been around him for a while call him Pop-Pop. Mainly because he tends to fly off the handle when he gets mad, he’s liable to drill you twice before he calms down. Naturally, Most people don’t have the sac to call him this to his face.
Desc: Middling tall. He’s got a great head of hair that he’s going to ruin if he doesn’t learn to stay away from gel. He’s fit and moves well. He can actually ballroom dance. (Mama insisted.And you know what? she was right. It’s gotten me laid) He dresses like an undertaker with a dash of color. No ink. (“That shit’s for animals.”)
History: Paulie is third generation. Eldest of six and there was never any doubt in his mind that he was going into the family business. And while he’s still relatively young he’s imbibed of the whole idea of being a “Man of Respect” his whole life. Paulie has it in his head that one day he’s going to run things. He’s got an Alpha wolf’s attitude and frankly, the day when he is in charge can’t come fast enough.
And in truth, he’s not stupid. He’s got an understanding of what the life calls for. This is why he’s got his own crew at an age when most guys are still bag-men or soldiers. He treats his boys like family, and he’s made it abundantly clear what would happen if someone were to hurt his family. So his boys are in that nice balance of completely loyal and scared shitless of him.
Which is good. While he’s got a few things going on that his Don has directed him to do, and he does not slough off on his duties, he’s got a side thing going on which the Don would NOT approve of. Paul has a source for China White and it’s keeping him and his boys in beer and skittles. He’s worked extra hard to make it impossible to trace back to him, and while that calls for additional overhead, it's a small price to pay. If the don found out, well. It would be bad, it would mean He’d have to put his plans into action before he was really ready.
Make no mistake. He’s NOT ready. Paul doesn’t know nearly as much about the way things really work as he thinks he does. For instance, he doesn’t know shit about the supernatural. Should he actually managed to unseat the don somehow, he’d been someone’s plaything inside a week. Assuming, of course, the Vermillion House doesn’t get involved right from the jump.
But Paulie doesn’t worry about that. He keeps his nose clean. Doesn’t get greedy. Is always respectful and is careful about who he shares his confidences. The only thing that could conceivably jack up the whole works is if some supernatural creature takes a liking to him and decides he’ll be a usefully ally or tool. Then, things will go sideways very quickly.
Attitude: “I’m very happy that you thought enough of me to bring this matter to my attention. I will speak to the Chinese and I am confident that we can resolve all of this peacefully.”
Skills: Socially, he’s solid. Physically, he’s pretty tough but not fast. He’s got some muscle and some Boxing chops. (Pop insisted, and he was right.) He’s a decent shooter when his temper is in check, but if he’s flipping the fuck out. (Composure no better than 2) then he’s less so.
Intellectually, he’s not stupid, but he IS the kind of person who thinks that education is for saps. As a result, his Resolve and Wits are far more developed. He’ll have a dot or two of Investigation, just because occasionally, you’ve got to find some Mook and show him the error of his ways.
Gear: He’s got a firearm on his person. He’s even got a permit for it. (It goes without saying that Paul hasn’t even done time.) Of course, the trunk of his sports car is a small armory, and every weapon in there has been steam cleaned for identifiers. Fortunately, there is a cunning hidden panel. Cops have stopped him more than once. He’s also got an iPod like the Don’s but instead of opera, he opts for Sinatra. He never writes anything down. (His memory isn’t flawless, but it is pretty good) He has a European styled wallet that he got from Amazon, although he is formulating some half-ass story about how he got it in Sicily.
Home: I should probably mention Veronica. They grew up together, teased one another in middle school, got naked with one another in high school, and to give Paulie a certain amount of credit. He’s never even considered marrying another woman. They’ve been trying to have a kid for a while now, but so far, no soap. Veronica has a lovely house in the upscale side of the Burbs. Veronica is very much a kept woman. But she doesn’t believe that gives her license to be some kind of slob. So, as a result, their home is a showplace and their garden is beautiful. Not that Paulie actually notices that sort of thing. But he would notice HARD if it stopped being the case. He spends most nights at home.
Those nights he does NOT spend at home are usually spent with Svetlana. Veronica knows all about that. It comes with the territory. She knew what she was getting into. Doesn’t make it any easier.
Circle: Paul makes an effort on the social front. He knows his neighbors and the people that go to his church. (and if they are interesting at all, he’ll look into them some.) He’s got his crew and other goombah friends. And he’s made some inroads with some of the other ethnic gangs. Enough that he thinks it might be a good idea to learn some Chinese. I mean, how hard could THAT be. It sounds like baby talk.
Story Uses:
* “I don’t think I know what you’re talking about officer.”
Paul is a loyal man. He’s never had to take the weight for a crime yet, but he likes to think that he could if he had to. It might even be true. It certainly would pave the way to becoming a “Made Man” within La Famiglia. What he’s not considering is how bad it’s going to be on Veronica and/or their potential kid(s) Especially if he has to take a LOT of weight.
“Oh yeah? So I suppose I have to ask. What do I get out of this arrangement?”
Paul could be a useful ally and he might even be someone you might want to put in your pocket. He’s not squeamish. and that’s more useful than you’d think in the NWOD
* Detectives Blanchard and Skiggs "These fucking guys, Right? Can't a man enjoy his fucking frosted flakes in peace?"
* Drago Velikovski "Probably one of the most easygoing guys I know. How he's still in business, I just don't see.
* Selma Collins "Twisted little bitch. She did some jobs for me. One time, after a thing, I banged her, but she looks at me like she's considering a cheese danish or some fucking shit. Like I need that. Still. She does thorough work.
* John Joseph Staglione "Nah man. I'm not going to bust your balls for making light of Johnny Two-tap. He's more than capable of doing it himself. Learning curve on that is pretty fucking steep."
* The Witness "Rough neighborhood. It'd be bad if something were to happen to the place. I'm just saying..."
* Jamal Cooper "The guy may be a staunch supporter of Cocoa Puffs, but he and his boys keep my hands spotlessly clean. Fucking crazy eggplant. But he at least understands the drug trade. I'll give him that.
* Don Pentangelli "Look. Don't misunderstand. I respect the man and everything he's done. But there comes a time when you have to pass the torch. Maybe to someone who's young and hungry."
* Big Dan Tarleton "The Don's been talking to this guy off and on for years about going to the next level with his operation. But I don't never see no movement. Personally, Me? I'd ground floor that shit."
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