Monday, May 29, 2017

A.D.A. Calvin Donloe

Concept:  Slick Ass Persian Bazaar Assistant District Attorney

AKA: Most know him as “Cal”

Desc: Winning smile, capped teeth, Voice that he’s worked with a singing coach to be more musical. Nice blue eyes. Insolent hair but just this side of presentable for court. No Ink. Wedding ring. Totally at home in a suit. Lean with just a hint of muscle. Still on the young side, Medium tall. 

History: Calvin is a pretty typical guy in some respects. Born to middle-upper class parents. 3rd son of 5 siblings. Never the brightest bulb in the marquee, but he knows people and has a good intuitive feel for dynamic situations. Did lacrosse in high school but only enough to letter.  Did extracurriculars, but never full court press. Although. he did like Speech.  Extemp, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, all that stuff. He had a real flair for it. Took home more than a couple of trophies. Went to a good school out of state, came back home and got into a good law school here.
      While Calvin was in law school, he met Amanda. It’s a bit of an opposites attract kind of deal. Amanda is a lawyer for the E.P.A and regularly takes her vacation time to help build schools in Haiti. How he fast-talked her into marrying him, none of their friends seem to be able to dope out. (It was easy. She loves him. and if you asked her exactly why she gets tongue tied. He has a similar problem. This is not normal for either of them.)
   While Calvin is a bit more conservative, he’s not an asshole about it. He’s all but disowned his own party for most of their economic policies and a few of their social stances.  But he’s seen all manner of ethnic and white trash people come through court and he’s got some case hardened attitudes about “Those People”  Occasionally, he gets his conscience agitated and bounces something off of Amanda, usually causing a dropping of charges.  But as he gets older, that conscience of his tickles less and less.
    To say that Cal’s rise in the DA’s office is “meteoric” is overselling it a bit, but he keeps their win/loss ratio fairly healthy. He is a master of talking people with few options into taking a plea bargain deal. He’s not amoral or anything, but many times, he has trouble seeing the other person’s side. And it doesn’t matter to him that the person on the other MIGHT be innocent...Well, not every time. Truth be told though, he’s more likely to give the benefit of the doubt to some white kid from the burbs. And he’s completely oblivious to any kind of passive racism on his part.  After all, he has Black and Latino friends in his office.

Attitude: “Listen, Don’t talk to me about SODDI. Your guy is guilty as fuck. Now, I don’t think he needs to swing for it or anything like that. But if you fight me on this, I’ll walk you into court and I'll mow you like the spring grass. So let’s talk deal...”

Skills: Physically, he’s okay. His habits and metabolism will catch up to him eventually. Intellectually, he’s fast on his feet, but no great shakes at sticking to the program, and never the best student. His dots in Academics never exactly came easy. He still trips up occasionally. Socially, he’s an utter monster. Good with names and faces. Not eidetic, but NEVER forgets a phone number and rarely forgets an email address or URL. Plentiful dots of persuasion, intimidation, subterfuge, streetwise, and expression. (He’s something of a nerd about Greek History and the great orators of old. Does a great impression of John F. Kennedy.)
Also, he’s got an Expression specialty in Piano, and he sings a bit too. He’s got a pipe dream of opening a little piano bar when he retires. He could probably do it too. He’ll have very decent dots of Professional training. 

Gear: Cal carries a very sleek laptop bag for his Mac Air. He has a top of the line smartphone with a bluetooth ear piece. He also has two passport outboard drives. One containing law books and music, one half full of fairly vanilla porn. He doesn’t carry a weapon, although many people in his office do.  He keep a bottled water and snacks in his bag. He’s partial to gummy bears.

Home: He and Amanda have a beautiful home in Stillwood Oaks. Neither spend enough time there to really keep the place up so they hire a maid/gardener service from HOA directly. Stilwood Oaks is a gated community with security. relatively competent security too.  No kids so far, but they’re still trying.

Circle: Cal has a good number of dots plowed into social merits. Obviously status: lawyer and status: DA’s office. In addition, he’s got contacts. A fairly good spread of them. He’s politically connected and he’s always on the prod to expand his social circles because you just never know. He’s got Police allies.

Story Uses:
“So, you’ve done some unpleasant things, but apparently you’ve got friends...”
An A.D.A gets to see a number of sketchy things. Calvin has seen some. Some of them bother him. Some of them don’t. It could go either way with him.

“So, I’m going to put you in prison. And I’m going to slam dunk you like Jordan.”
Yeah. If you are CLEARLY in the wrong, and you catch Calvin, AND Judge Mattarazzo. You’re going to have a hard road to hoe.

It's not unusual for nearly all of the cops, crooks, or lawyers to have had contact with Calvin. So I'll just be hitting the highlights.
* He's tangled with both Roderick Holmes and Ilyana Baker of Holmes, Gillis, Baker, Savage, North, and Dean Ilyana is interested in banging him but he's not interested in cheating on Amanda. (Oh don't get me wrong. He's THOUGHT about it.) Both of those lawyers have managed to make him look dumb in court, so he has some respect for them.
* He's also tangled with Christine Horowitz obviously. Christine doesn't HATE Calvin exactly, but he makes her life harder than it truly needs to be.
* Put Jamal Cooper in the jug once. Jamal would like to "thank" him for that. "Thank" him quite vigorously actually.
The Vermillion House has their eyes on him right now. No one has extended an invitation to him, because they're keeping track of his trial record and they see that occasionally, he's still got something of a conscience. But should he desire an invitation to one of their soirees, then he'll be brought in and love-bombed like a prospective cult member.
Teflon John Galloway "This fucking guy! I am serious. You'd better have crossed all the "T"s and dotted all the "I"s on the fucking paperwork. This guy is like the great white whale of this department."
* Went to high school with Clarinda Hale and had it pretty bad for her. Every so often they fall into one another's orbit and get close only to go in different directions again. Of course, that was all before Amanda came along.

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