Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sgt. William Donnelly

Concept: Old School Desk Sergeant

AKA: The fellas around the station refer to Sgt. Donnelly as “The Old Man” But there are only a few who say it without any sort of respect. Usually, that falls away over time.

Desc: Middling tall. Rock solid except for his waist which has a pooch that resists all efforts to remove it. Receding hairline of course, but still black as a raven’s feather.  He’s got that patch of broken capillaries across the bridge of his nose. His tolerance for alcohol is near superhuman now. He’s got knuckles that bespeak a few fights in his day.  He still has Tats from his days as a Marine.

History: Bill Donnelly has been doing this for a long time. He’s old school. The sort of cop that other cops end up looking up to and respecting, even if they didn’t like him much when they first started out.
    There’s a reason for that. Bill Donnelly is a big believer in that whole concept of the “Thin Blue Line” He supports his men. Talks to them when they need talking to. Buys them drinks. Buys them coffee when they’ve had too many drinks. Listens patiently.
Often, Bill is the first person that a member of the public encounters or can even talk to if they have a complaint. At least 95% of the time, those complaint reports end up “getting lost”
But the other 5%.   Ah. That’s when it gets complicated.
   You see there are some things you can do that will cross the line. There ARE sins that one can commit that disgrace one’s brothers and sisters and the Badge.  Bill doesn’t exactly consider himself the best Catholic, Too much drinking and fighting he thinks...  But there have been occasions when Bill has taken it upon himself to throw a beating to an officer that he felt desperately needed it or deserved it.  Sometimes this means an attitude adjustment. On at least a couple of occasions, it’s meant an officer leaving the force. Sometimes on a hospital gurney...

Attitude: “Look kid. You earned that badge. And that’s yours by right. and I’m sure you’ve done what you can to make this town a better place. But I looked into what the little girl said... You get to keep your badge. But your KNEES are another story ya mother-scratcher.”

Skills:  Physically, Bill is closing in on 60 but he’s got more energy than any 4 of the 20-year-olds in the department. He teaches courses in Boxing and Wrestling at the local “Y” and is a good teacher in this regard. He’s got an economy of movement that you tend to see in combatants in their later years and he’s surprisingly fast.  He’s never been the best shot, a problem that plagued his confidence on the streets. But he can work a shotgun just fine. He’s likely to have Brawling Dodge, Disarm, and dots in Boxing and Wrestling fighting styles.
Socially, He’s fine. He has friends in the department, and friends outside the department too. He’s a seasoned bureaucratic bad-ass and is utterly terrifying as an Interrogator. He’s even got a dot or two of Animal Ken from when he was on the Equine patrol.
Mentally: He’s about average. High school education. Some dots of Streetwise and Investigate, of course.  He’ll have a few dots of Politics, simply because while he has no ambition to rise higher than he has within the department, He also wants to be left alone to do his darn job.

Gear: Bill is NEVER without a firearm and a snap baton. Often, he’ll also have a holdout piece on his person and a shotgun for those occasional forays into the field. His home and his vehicle will also have back-ups. Bill had a bad experience once with being unarmed, and he swore, never again.  He’s got a smartphone but he only ever uses it to keep up with Facebook. 

Home: Bill lives alone. He’s got a nice little apartment. He’s almost never home though. Usually only to sleep.
His time off is usually split between the courses he teaches at the “Y” and the homes of his brothers and sisters.Mostly looking after his Nieces and Nephews...and THEIR kids.  He’s also active in his church. Going back to the apartment is a grim reminder of all the relationships that just didn’t have the staying power over the years. When he finally does retire though, he’s thinking he’d have to get himself a dog.

Circle: Bill’s circle is pretty broad. He’s liable to have allies and contacts all over the map. Also, in terms of the department, he knows where at least a few of the bodies are buried. There are at least a couple of things that will slot into proper hands if Bill should meet with an untimely end.

Story Uses:
“That reminds me of a story” 
Bill Donnelly is one of those sorts of guys who would make a good mentor. He’s tough-minded and usually fair. He’s willing to teach what he knows and takes pride in teaching thoroughly.  His teaching methods may be rough but they are never needlessly cruel.  Perhaps your PC is a member of law enforcement or maybe one of his “Y” students.  His stories are always told with a purpose in mind and they are by turns, horrifying and laugh out loud funny.

“I’m sorry ma’am. But that officer has been here all night doing paperwork”  
If there is a flaw in Bill’s character, it is that he is ALWAYS going to give his fellow officers the benefit of the doubt, and even so, might turn a blind eye to certain activities that he KNOWS are wrong. Like, being on the take...Cops have a hard job and the pay certainly sucks, so why shouldn’t the boys have the occasional nice thing? Right? Naturally, there are few things that cannot ever be countenanced, But if it all comes down to your word against the word of one of his boys or girls...Well. Sucks to be you.

"Yeah. I may have seen something like this before"
In terms of options, Donnelly might be a secret ghoul or a secret wolf-blooded.  In any case, He's seen some freaky shit in his day and isn't likely to discount a wild tale from a fellow officer out of hand. He may also be part of The Union or at least very friendly to their cause.

Lt. Lorraine Janofski "One of the best. I'm glad she's doing well."
Thomas Jones Rutherford "Oh yeah. The writer guy. I've talked with him a time or two. Very generous fella. I'd think by now he'd know the cop biz like the back of his hand.
Officer Karl Richter "You watch, that kid is going to be Captain someday."
Bartholomew Reines "I'd like to meet and get my hands on this fella someday. Every single student of his that I've ever had, I've had to re-train. He's a menace.
Reverend Dr. Miranda Goines "Hey Miranda, how's the family? You know the drill, right?"
Christine Horowitz  "I don't care for this young lady and her accusations against my boys. I'd tell you more but I'm afraid I'd have to feed the swear jar."
Rory O'Halloran "We're probably related. Best Irish cuisine I ever tasted. Good guy to talk to as well."
Miss Virgie Hawkins "Mike Hawkins was a lucky man. I was a groomsman at his wedding. and I think nearly every time I go into Hanlon's that I miss her face and her great advice. I don't think I would have gotten to where I am today without it.  I understand from her son that she's gone into the ghost hunting business. Ordinarily, I'd probably side with him...except...I've seen a thing or two. Man...If these walls could talk.
Officer Wesley Ullman "It's just a matter of time with this kid. The only question is, "Is he going to take anybody with him?"

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