Saturday, January 13, 2018

John Freeland

Concept: Neo-Nazi, Wolf-Blooded, Psychopath, all around fun guy...

AKA: Although John is his first name. His original last name is Stinnett. He has had his last name legally changed to “Freeland”   

Desc: A blocky frame loaded with muscle. Plentiful ink mostly with a racialist themes obviously. Ice blue eyes and head shaved. He has 4 straight scar marks on his left arm.

History: For as long as John Freeland can remember, He’s had a rotten temper. It wasn’t helped by the fact that his dishrag mother lived in terror of his absentee father. And it never helped that he got that nasty temper FROM that absentee father. Who would occasionally turn up and hear about fights at school and then beat the living shit out of his wayward son. It got worse and worse as John grew up and filled out. Then, one afternoon, out in the garage, it all came to a head. And that afternoon, John Stinnett Sr. ended up meeting his maker with a large silver knife in his throat.
    Later that day, after the body had been disposed of, John joined the army.  He learned a lot, but also spent some time in the stockade. Never did get that nasty temper completely under control.
   After he mustered out, he found himself at loose ends. He did some dodgy things. Got shot once or twice, but never died from it, although he probably should have. But eventually, He got caught. He got sentenced, and then he got sent to the pen.
     Normally, this would be the end of the story but for two factors. 1) John was sent down for assault, A fairly short jolt. and 2) While he was inside, he decided to crew up with the Aryan Brotherhood.
    I won’t say they “Changed his life for the better”. But they gave him direction, purpose, and an outlet for his seemingly boundless rage. Which is more than anyone else had ever given him.
   John has given his whole life for the cause and the "14 words" are tattooed on his soul. In this, he’s no more than an ordinary person whose devotion to something greater than himself has become total. But John is not ordinary. Not by a long chalk.
     John Freeland is wolf-blooded. Not only that, but he loathes the People that he comes from. While he is allergic to the touch of Silver, it doesn’t stop him from using a silver weapon or two in case he runs across someone like his father. Each time he has, he marks his arm with that same silver knife he slew his father with.
   He has risen in the ranks. His devotion, his raw presence, and his Wolf-Blood gifts have given him an edge that has enabled him to achieve a level of command in racialist circles. Because of his criminal record and the fact that he routinely violates the conditions of his parole, he moves around constantly. He makes connections among doomsday preppers, sovereign state enthusiasts, and the KKK. He has the sort of Alpha wolf vibe that those sort of people respond to instinctively.  While he is not the loose cannon that he used to be and doesn’t kill unless he needs to, he will do so without hesitation or a moments loss of sleep.

Attitude: “There was only one man walking this world that ever made me afraid. He’s dead now.”

Skills: Mentally, He’s about average. He’s not exactly dumb, but his education is very lacking and he’s never been a strong reader. He had a lot of trouble getting through some of the AB literature and that was stuff he was keenly motivated to read and know.
Socially, He’s not a practiced liar and has never been exactly “Cool”, But he does have a sort of ineffable presence that people respond to. Socially, he’s got a decent pile of dots for dealing with people and much of depends on that presence.  He’s very convincing when he wants to be. He’s almost a racist warrior-poet. If you can wrap your head around that shit.
Physically, he’s a beast. Strong, Fast, hardy as fuck. a trained combatant with fists, hand weapons, and guns. He likes the large stuff.  So the Heavy Weapons fighting style isn’t out of line for him.
You can certainly load him up with most of the useful physical merits and fighting merits and it won’t necessarily be too much.  Although he doesn’t really have the patience to truly master anything. He might still have 2-3 dots in 3-4 styles and that makes him deadly and flexible.
On the mystical side:  His Wolf-blood tells are: A wolf’s meat and Anger Issues. He also possesses the Tribe Merit: Hikaon-Urs Blood (Enabling him to see in the dark) and The Auspice Merit: Full Moon Birth. (He’s always had a way with tactics and command.)

Gear: He’s got a smartphone, A cobra GT which has been heavily modified to the point where it will LOSE any cop car on the street right now. It’s also lightly armored. He has a small arsenal in the trunk and a go bag. He pays cash for everything. He is adept at short range stick up jobs and doesn’t worry even when some punk cashier shoots him. Although, that person is liable to get himself stomped.

Home: As mentioned, He tends to move around a lot.  In nearly every area he goes. He’ll set up housekeeping with some woman that he meets in the group he’s currently working with. (He doesn’t care if they're married. That’s HER problem.)  He’s only interested in having someone around that he can fuck and then won’t bother him, so most of the women he gravitates to are easy on the eye and particularly spineless and low maintenance. At last count, he’s got about a half-dozen women in various places.  If they get pregnant, he drops them like a hot rock.

Circle: John is never going to be one of those old and really smart racist types that actually write the policies and philosophies of the movement. And he’s fine with that.  Those men are past their prime and aren’t the vital lifeblood of the racialist movement. But he’s finding that he’s becoming a known face among the various types of fringe groups and they, for their part think of him as a Legend in the making.  Like the “Bill Brasky” of racist fuckheads. Or something like that.

Story Uses:
“Son. This just ain’t your night.”
In case it’s not clear. This “man” is never going to be anything other than an antagonist and, incidentally, inimical to all life that isn’t straight, white, and “Christian”  He’s had a rough life, to be sure, but so have a lot of people and it didn’t turn them into racists, so... If your character is ALSO scum of this sort, then he might make a good ally or puppet.  But having any kind of interaction with him that doesn’t involve a beating you’re throwing him, ought to make you want a shower.
Just saying.

“Oh yeah. Well since the last time we tangled...I taught my doggy a new trick.
Occasionally, Wolf-Blooded undergo the First Change. It happens. Sometimes it comes on slow. Other times, hard, fast and traumatic. About a year ago, John had a talk with a fellow living in a compound about a state and a half away from here.  That man was Pure.  John didn’t know it at the time but over the course of the evening and MANY drinks. They talked about all sorts of things.  including John’s father.   While the Pure thinks it best to keep John at arm's length for the present, that would certainly change if John were to wolf out permanently. So that Pure set a little spirit to keep an eye on John and run back to daddy on the hop if John should go Gauru. The Pure has a way of laying that “We’re not like the others” speech on new wolves. And it works...It totally works.

* John Freeland is actually the antagonist of a story I wrote about my current Werewolf: the Forsaken character. If you like, you can read that story here.
Klaus Dietrich " Mr. Barrington had me around to his estate once. I have to admit. He impressed the socks offa me.  If he asked me to do something. I would not hesitate and I would not fail.
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Robert Nathan Herbert "I hope that if I get to be Bob's age, that I am half as cool as he is. He's a good soldier and a good Christian."

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