Concept: Group of Predatory Ghouls/Hunters
AKA: The names of the Officers are of course eminently changeable for story purposes but their original names are becoming almost a moot point. When the group was constituted, the decision was made to use Code Names in the field. The Group has taken the following names. Hunter, Miller, Brewer, Fisher, Cooper, and Smith. Strangely, those code names have begun to sink into their subconscious minds. Miller keeps accidentally trying to sign her name as “Miller” on Official forms. Brewer has taken up craft brewing in his spare time, and Smith has taken up the post of being the weaponsmith for the group.
Desc: Each of them is fit, strong, and in the peak of health. Each of them has a strange and slightly off-putting intensity. They tend in conversation to a certain monotone and a lack of blinking. Which is handy during interrogations. Miller is a woman. Cooper is a very tall black man.
History: It started out simply. Kindred occasionally decide that they want to bring someone into the fold and put them on the payroll. Different kindred have different ways of going about such projects. Some stake out places where they think they can find such individuals. Others go the route of setting up some kind of computer program to search for a particular profile. This particular project was very hush-hush. The young man who created it was promised a number of things. All he really got from it was an early retirement and his corpse dumped in the reservoir.
The reason why it was kept so quiet is that the Ventrue in question was somewhat paranoid and he was looking for a dedicated cadre of hunters for his own purposes. He wanted police because they would have power, access, and wouldn’t be as accountable as some other citizen. He found people with the right temperament and skills and over the course of 8 months recruited them. Turned them into an effective vampire killing force and began to clear away some “problem” kindred from the local landscape. Also, they ended up being very handy for dealing with the occasional odd Draugr.
And you know they probably would have been fine. The Master was even thinking very seriously about embracing Hunter. But things have a way of going south in the world of the undead.
One night when they were out dealing with one of the Master’s “Problem Kindred” they all caught a sinking feeling and something like a bond breaking. It nearly got them all killed. It definitely got Tinker killed.
That night, they learned that the master had met his end. They never got a straight answer about exactly why he was killed. There were political reasons of course, but also it seems that the master may have been mentally ill in some way. Not that the team would have known.
They circled the wagons. They emptied the account that the master had set up for them as a discretionary fund. They bought a place. A grungy old Motel up in the hills. The place has been shut for years. In order to stay off the grid. They created a working well and bought multiple generators. They no longer had the Master to take from and be strengthened. So they decided that those who had the power and strength they needed would give it to them. Whether they wanted to or not.
They’ve almost got it down to a science now. If they can get the bag on a kindred target, They bring them up to the Motel. and over the course of days, they’ll drain them dry. Cooper’s even working on a means to preserve blood in some specially prepared casks. (It’s only working intermittently. They still haven’t exactly hammered it out.) Some they interrogate. Others, like Draugr, they don’t bother with.
And they’ll keep going...for as long as they can. They don’t know what else to do.
Attitude: “We have a powerful need.”
Skills: Physically, Each is in great shape. Fisher brought his weights and his Bowflex up to the Motel and they all use the thing. Each will have a spread of dots in combat based skills and merits. Each will have Police Tactics and some martial art FS dots of some sort.
Socially, Each of the officers has become weird, intense, and monosyllabic. This has done a bit of damage to their social lives. Each of the officers was chosen for their lack of familial entanglements so that at least is not a problem. The only thing that has been enhanced by their “Change” is they have become more manipulative and more intimidating.
Mentally, Each of them has dots of Investigation of course. Hunter has dots of streetwise and Survival (Bit of a camping nut) Smith is becoming the weapon maker and quartermaster of the group. So he’s got some crafts out of the yang. Miller’s the Wheelman and has craft’s as well as dots of Drive. Miller’s the computer nerd and has built a Faraday cage for her rig in one of the Motel’s rooms. Cooper is the combat point man and he’s pretty good with a Bow and Arrow. Fisher is their jack-leg medic.
They’ve stopped talking to one another altogether. They’ve developed some weird short-range telepathy with one another. They all possess Unseen Sense: Vampires.
Gear: Naturally they all possess regular duty arms and equipment. Smith has gotten good at picking up useful firearms, He’s been training with a top of the line Dragunov sniper rifle they took off some arms dealers. Miller managed to score some military grade net-guns off of some airport security cops in Munich. Hunter has installed a Lathe and carpentry workshop in one of the rooms and hand turns the stakes they make.
Home: While each of them has their own places. (Brewer and Fisher were room-mates) They spend and more time at the run down Motel. They park their vehicles in back which makes them invisible from the road. The asphalt parking lot is showing more wear every year and there are multiple places where the grass has simply said, “Fuck this shit” and broken through the asphalt. The place is painted white and has become pitted and decrepit. The name of the place is the “NOE MOTEL” and they keep the exterior of the place looking like no one’s been there in decades. The place sits at the top of a middling-sized hill which has been peppered and salted with booby traps, Pits with pungie spikes and dead-falls. There’s one road in and if you use that road, you’ll get there without setting anything off, but they’ve set up alarms on that road so unless you’re able to fly, your ability to get there without them being warned is very small. On more than one occasion, Cooper has been sent to the roof to discourage interlopers with his bow. He’s not good enough yet to routinely hit a target with an arrow that has a lit stick of dynamite tied to it...But that day will come
Circle: They probably know all the cops from Painted Corners and a few of the criminals as well. They occasionally go out as a team and attack mortal criminals mainly for purposes of keeping themselves in cash and weapons. Hunter has schooled them in SWAT tactics and they are efficient and precise like a scalpel. The Criminals don’t normally stand a chance unless they’ve got supernatural juice of their own. The criminals, they go after at night. The Vampires, they come for in the daylight.
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