Saturday, August 22, 2015

Lambrose Karanikas and First Class Limousine Service

Concept: Limo Driver/Entrepreneur

AKA: Back in the days when he would work nearly every job under the sun, he spent a whole year working as a Butcher. Among his family and his friends, he’s known as “Butch”

Desc: Lean, with a long face and an aristocratic chin and nose. Long black hair, which spends FAR too much time and money on, and yet rarely ties it back. Has the fingers of a pianist, which he used to be. On the job, he goes in for a black, well-tailored suit. Anyone paying attention may note that he’s got an armpit holster.

History: You may have noted from the name, that Lambrose is related to Milo Karanikas. They are cousins. The Karanikas family is fairly large, and while they have always had an interest in the finer things in life, they haven’t always had the money to really enjoy them as much as they could. Lambrose means to change all that.  At least, for himself.

Lambrose is one of those guys that works hard at everything he does. His whole life is wrapped up in his cast iron work ethic and frankly, he doesn’t have the time or patience for anyone who doesn’t feel the same. This means certain things. He hasn’t met a woman yet who shares his passion. Most of the women he picks for himself, are, to put it mildly, too lazy for him. But then again, he’s still a young guy and is picking with his eyes.

It also means that he tends to be the one at family gatherings that others shy away from.  He’s imbibed a bit too much from the poisoned chalice of Horatio Alger/American Dream/Fox News attitude.   Lambrose fancies himself a self-made man, with all the arrogance and behavior blindness that might imply.  When he’s in the Limo all by himself, He’s got on Tony Robbins (Either that, or a bit of Eminem.)   He’s a hard-driving and hard-charging guy.  He saved up for years to get his first limo and now he’s got 3. If he keeps going at this rate,  He’ll own his own home outright before he’s 30 and likely own controlling interest in his brother Dimitrios’s restaurant. (It’s not that Dimitrios is even a bad businessman, the restaurant business is a harsh mistress and 4 out of 5 restaurants go out of business in their first year. Lambrose keeps loaning money because he still thinks that the family restaurant is a good investment. Dimitrios is thankful for the help, and the upscale customers that Lambrose kicks his way from time to time.)

Lambrose caters to the kind of rich people that he wants to be someday. TV’s in his limos are always tuned to Fox Business and the bar is always fully stocked.  The only time of year that he truly hates is prom season. 
A man in his position has learned very early on, to be professionally blind,deaf and dumb, and this has perhaps kept him from being a casualty of things that occasionally happen in the back of his limousine. Certain supernatural creatures, swear by FCL and even a few of them like Lambrose personally.(“This young mortal has real potential...”)
 Although... this professional “None of my business” posture does mean that he’s not paying attention to what the other drivers are doing. His brother Leo has developed a bit of satyriasis with the female customers.  And his cousin Stavros has taken to selling cocaine to interested passengers. Stavros makes BANK during prom season. Lambrose would probably care about these things if he were aware of them...But frankly, he’s just glad that these guys show up on time (And sober) when called.  Some of his other family members aren’t as diligent.

Attitude: “America is the greatest country in the world. A man can rise from humble beginnings and with work, can reach the pinnacle of success. Tony taught me that. One day, I will have an entire fleet of limousines and a company that will stretch across this great land of ours. I have a vision for the future and the understanding and education to make that vision real.  Anybody who doesn’t feel the same way I do is wasting their life...Pass me the Ouzo will you?”

Skills: Butch has, over the course of life worked about 2 dozen different jobs. This has given him a plethora of useful skills that aren’t easily quantified by dots on the sheet. He’s certainly got enough Crafts dots to make jack-leg repairs on his vehicles. and enough dots in Drive (as well as Stunt Driver) to be able to bill himself as a defensive driving expert. (He took a course or two. it’s not bullshit.) While he never attended university, he has, on his own, done a LOT of reading and can easily claim dots in Academics (Specialty: Business)  He’s also honed his people skills fairly well. Butch knows damn nearly every nook and cranny in this town, and has on many occasions, helped his clientele secure many forms of illicit entertainments. Naturally, he’s got Barfly.  That pistol he’s carrying. He knows how to use it, although he’s not likely to have any dots in any fighting styles with it. He still has at least 3 dots.   Lastly, it should be mentioned, that Lambrose has at least 4 dots of Resolve. He just doesn’t understand people who don’t have the same kind of attitude that he does.

Gear: Lambrose is a bit of a technophile. He runs his business off of a laptop, plugged into his cigarette lighter, and tethered to his phone.  He’s even built a bit of a frame for his passenger seat that turns this set-up into something of a mobile office. His gun is a nice heavy pistol with a laser sight.  and he’s found that the laser sight is usually enough to calm people right the fuck down. He is rarely without a box of 5-hour energy shots tucked into the glove compartment.  He is NEVER without his little Filofax full of his business cards.

Home: Lambrose has a nice house in the burbs. inexplicably, he really really enjoys mowing his lawn and washing his car on the weekends. Normally he does this shirtless and it has drawn the attention of the housewives in the vicinity. Unfortunately, while the exterior of the house is stately and cat-clean.  The interior of the house is usually a mess. Unless Lambrose is dating someone, he doesn’t bother picking up after himself.  Which is not to say that the place is biohazardous or anything...But his cleaning is kind of cyclical.  He lets it go and lets it go and lets it go until finally, he goes. “JESUS! I can’t fucking live like this!” and then he spends an entire day cleaning everything in sight.  Lambrose is usually not home enough to have a pet.

Circle: Lambrose is a known quantity in the transportation subculture. He is not well liked by cabbies, who see him as something of a gasbag. He has made in-roads into becoming a known name among high society types and most of them take his ingratiating overtures as pleasant if a little fawning. If there is anything that they really like about him it is that he is interested in their opinions about politics and business and seems to really enjoy hearing them hold forth about those topics.  The Karanikas family, of course, comprises the rest of his world and they love him, but also kind of want to strangle him a bit.

Story Uses:
*”Where to sir?”
Butch is a decent guy to help start some kind of adventure if the players have money but aren’t interested in driving themselves. He knows things about this town as will become apparent below.  He also probably knows more than he thinks he knows about the real goings-on in the supernatural world. But occasionally, he gets worked over and a lot of that intel is buried.

*”I’m just a simple businessman.”
For anyone looking to make some kind of headway into transportation influence, Lambrose is a good place to start.

* Naturally, Butch is a well known by the denizens of The Caboose and Carl gets a great big smile on his face every time the Limo pulls onto the parking lot.
*The Members of The Vermillion House trust Butch and his proven discretion. He's been up to the big house. He's even been invited in on some occasions by guests. The idea that one day he can rub elbows with these people and participate in some of the refined tastes they enjoy makes him a little starry-eyed.
* He's been retained on occasion by the firm of Holmes, Gillis, Baker, Savage, North and Dean for special events. They've all traded cards.
Lara X once went down on two girls in the back of his limo. He recognized the description of himself on her blog when Leo brought it to his attention. Now if only he knew which of the three girls she was...
Lillian Penobscot is a favored customer. She flirts with him outrageously. She's a little old for his taste...But he thinks she might be fun in the sack. She's certainly bendy.
* Lambrose is well aware of Bryson Import/Export and while he's got no trouble with transporting them back and forth to various places, he is a little peeved with how much time it always seems to take Leo to run them back and forth. Admittedly, he always seems to be in a better humor afterward.

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