Concept: Undercover Sex Blogger
Desc: Deep blue eyes and longish brunette hair with blonde highlights, tied back in a somewhat severe fashion during her day-job. She also wears glasses for reading. She keeps in shape with a varied combination of running, free-weights, and swimming. and she’s nicely lean.
She’s not chesty and has been considering implants off and on for a few years now. She eschews any kind of piercing (Except for earrings) or tattoos. During her daylight hours she tends towards a certain conservative style of dress but in the night time hours, she goes in for leather, lace, rubber, and other sartorial excesses.
History: It’s a bit difficult to write about a woman with a healthy libido and a sex-positive attitude without making her sound like a whore or a nymphomaniac. Jolene Boddicker is such a woman. She works a regular job in the city government, managing retirement programs for city workers. She keeps her night time activities strictly segregated from her daytime activities out of a sense of personal privacy, personal security, and her bosses’s boss happens to be a well-known prude. He’d likely have a case of the vapors if he ever got wind of things that Jolene got up to. Jolene doesn’t even have a Facebook page.
It’s not like sex is Jolene’s obsessive hobby or anything, she just enjoys it and writing about it is her obsessive hobby. But you know, if you’re going to write about sex, you sort of have to get a bit experimental in order to keep having things to write about. And that’s kind of where things have gone for Jolene. She has adopted a certain willingness to TRY things, although she has, of course, found a few things that she just doesn’t care for. She’s not shy about saying what she likes and what she doesn’t like. And although she never names names, She’s not shy about saying so on her blog.
The Lara “X” blog is very popular, not just because “Lara” is particularly mysterious, but because Jolene is a pretty good writer and does her damn homework (Like say Laci Green on Youtube) The Lara “X” blog is so popular that Jolene has to be particularly careful not to tip her hand about her identity. Fortunately, there never seems to be a shortage of men or women who aren’t interested in even learning what her name is. C’est la vie.
Attitude: Life is a great big buffet. One should try as many things as you can. Sure, some things might not be to your liking, but who can live on the same old thing day in and day out. Taking chances while you’re young is important. who knows where it might lead? (Although it should be said, that Jolene is hoping that it will lead to a bestselling book and a movie deal.)
Jolene also enjoys her “Double Life” as she puts it. It makes her feel like a superhero. She was a bit of a comic book nerd growing up. Ordinarily, being some kind of sex columnist wouldn’t necessarily make her feel like a superhero, but for the pieces of E-mail that end up in her inbox telling her how this or that piece of information saved somebody’s life or their sanity. She keeps those emails. and when she’s feeling down, she pulls them out and reminds herself that for a LOT of people, sex is the undiscovered country. Or at least, it’s fairly poorly mapped.
Skills: Jolene is probably the only person you’re going to meet with 4 dots of Composure and 4 dots of Socialize. The Barfly merit is a natural for her obviously. She developed a certain amount of streetwise and has had more than one occasion to use pepper spray and the pointy kubotan on her keychain. "Trained Memory" might be a good merit for her (From the Guardians of the Veil book) "Striking looks", natch.
Gear: The aforementioned Pepper Spray, and pointy kubotan. A voice activated micro-tape recorder for taking notes on the fly. A selection of condoms, nail polish that detects date-rape drugs. Handcuff keys. Handcuffs. A smart phone loaded with music and books for when things are slow.
Home: Has a place in the Burbs which is properly "Home". It's small but pleasant and she does a bit of gardening there. But she also has a small apartment in town which she refers to as her "Staging Area" It's not as sleazy as you'd expect and she's actually made an effort to make the sound-proofing look good and tasteful. Occasionally she has a friend sub-let the place with the caveat that occasionally she needs the place overnight for "research" and that friend will get 24 hours notice before that's necessary.
Social: She is also likely to have a bewildering array of Allies and Contacts in various strata of society. But no dots of Fame. She NEVER uses the name “Lara “X” when she’s on the prowl. It causes people to clam up. She’s probably got the merit "Anonymity" from “Blood of the Wolf” She’s gone to some lengths to protect her privacy on-line. Nothing that the NSA couldn’t break through were they inclined, but enough to discourage most casual stalkers.
Story Uses:
“My girlfriend said what?”
Jolene could end up being some character’s S.O. Naturally, this is fraught with all sorts of problems, the fact that she’s likely to spill intimate details of your time together online. The fact that she’s GOING to conceal a number of her activities from you. and if the truth be known, she’s likely to get bored easily...And if that’s the case, you’re likely to be dead meat before you know it.
But hey, who knows, if real emotions and feeling get involved...Well you might just end up being bad for business unless she can talk you into going with her on her sexual safari
“He bit me...I liked it.”
Jolene has had more than a couple of brushes with the supernatural. She hasn’t really put 2 and 2 together yet, but if she picks up another vampire or sees one more “Hallucination” She might get more curious than it’s safe for her to be. Frankly, that one episode with her missing time scared the crap out of her. She didn’t think she’d drunk that much at all.
“So. I went to a lovely party last night...”
There are at least two groups that want to claim Lara as their own. The Vermillion House is looking for her, as they would like to add her to their stable of pretty people who will indulge in the most perverted of acts. No one has found her yet, but they don’t seem to realize that she’s already been to one of their parties without knowing it. Bringing her in might be an enormous disaster for them.
Also, there is a statistically significant number of Vampires who read her blog and want to make a ghoul of her.
Teflon John Galloway Met him at a party once and they were off to the races, as you could imagine. Cute. But not smart. At least he knew what he was doing.
Lewis Flowers came very close to following her back to the staging area but got distracted by someone else. If he ever sees her again, he'll assume it's a sign.
Darla Grumman Met her at a Pride event and ended up dating for about 2 weeks. Enjoyed her company and had great fun in the sack, but she had issues with some of her more secretive behavior.
The Caboose Went to high school with DJ Psychopirate. Tried stripping for about a week in order to gather fodder for a column. Still keeps in touch with a few of the girls she knows from there and DJ Big Willy.
Teflon John Galloway Met him at a party once and they were off to the races, as you could imagine. Cute. But not smart. At least he knew what he was doing.
Lewis Flowers came very close to following her back to the staging area but got distracted by someone else. If he ever sees her again, he'll assume it's a sign.
Darla Grumman Met her at a Pride event and ended up dating for about 2 weeks. Enjoyed her company and had great fun in the sack, but she had issues with some of her more secretive behavior.
The Caboose Went to high school with DJ Psychopirate. Tried stripping for about a week in order to gather fodder for a column. Still keeps in touch with a few of the girls she knows from there and DJ Big Willy.
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