Sunday, June 14, 2015

Dmitri Garrett C.P.A.

Concept: Forensic Accountant

Desc:  Sharp clear blue eyes are the first thing you notice about Dmitri. His skin tone leans towards olive and he still keeps his black hair putting green short out of habit. His normal attire is a business suit, although he has a way of wearing them that still suggests that he was in the military. His shoes are always well cared for. sharp operators can tell that he is wearing an armpit holster. He has a booming laugh.

History: Dmitri is a genius. No seriously. He’s terribly terribly smart. 180 IQ.  and he absolutely murdered the ASVAB. The idea was to enlist in the military and get them to pay for college.  Being the sort of fellow he was, He went for the Air Force. He wasn’t necessarily interested in being career military, but he thought the idea of being a pilot was going to be awesome on a resume and might parley into interesting opportunities after college. Basic training came along for him right about the time he was starting to fill out and he found himself in tip-top shape for the first time in his largely bookish and introverted life.

And then he washed out of the pilot program.  It wasn’t even his fault really. He had a nice feel for it and nobody spent more time in the simulator getting it down, but he had some sort of weird inner ear thing that totally wrecked him every time he went up in a real bird. It nearly got him killed.  The base doctor had to break the bad news to him. He was never going to be a pilot.

Afterward followed a period of deep depression, drinking, and some sexual irresponsibility.  But out of that deeply unpleasant time, he met Mary-Anne and Mary-Anne got him going back in the right direction.  She could see that he had potential, even if it wasn’t potential pilot. 

The Air Force, for its part, knows that lots of people wash out of the pilot programs and need somewhere else to go. The Air Force, like all branches of the armed forces, has need of lots of different types of people. Now certainly Dmitri wasn’t liable to be slinging hash in the mess hall, with a brain like his, even though he seemed to be trying to kill as many of his brain cells as possible. So, his C.O. sat down and tried to figure out what to do.  

And that’s how Dmitri ended up as a forensic accountant.  Somebody has to crunch numbers and handle accounts payable and accounts receivable.  This can be occasionally ticklish and complicated when things are being paid for as black budget items. Like the occasional 500 dollar toilet seat, which is really hiding some kind of bribe money for a C.I.A. operation. Money still has to be properly accounted for, even if it’s supa-supa classified and stuff.  Dmitri felt like he was being punished for the first week of his new assignment until he walked into his C.O.’s office having noted a discrepancy of several thousand dollars and a possible narrative of exactly where the money went.  Captain Armitage went a particular shade of purple, bade Dmitri sit down and then had his receptionist call the Pentagon, where the captain ended up chewing out some guy on the phone for a good 20 minutes.  Dmitri was impressed with the Captain’s skillful use of invective and simply hoped he too was not going to be on the receiving end of it. After slamming down the phone, the Captain took a steadying breath, and then a beaming smile broke across his face. “Damn, Garrett. I knew you’d have a talent for this stuff.  I do so enjoy being right. Have a cigar son...”

And from that moment on, it was a different world.  Dmitri Garrett LOVED solving problems and untangling mysteries. It just never seemed like that kind of thing to him, and now...Well. he couldn’t get enough. He stopped drinking. He stopped eating too much and jumped back into PT, although his current assignment didn’t exactly warrant it. He made an honest woman of Mary-Anne. and he mustered out after 4 hitches with a full-ride to the college of his choosing. He was able to get into an ivy league school and scored an internship with a CPA firm.  Of course, after a month, it was clear that they had very little they could actually teach him, and the man who owned the firm tried to convince Dmitri that there wasn’t a thing they could do to shorten the internship really... Until Dmitri made it very clear exactly how much work and responsibility he had already taken on, and how he was sure that some other firm would be more than happy to allow him to intern for THEM.

Dmitri got hired on part time around his class schedule and began rat-holing money away for the house that he and Mary-Ann were going to buy.

He’s a little older now. a little grayer. Still fit as a fiddle. Has his own firm.  It’s small because he’s not interested in being someplace or owning someplace huge. He enjoys training new talent and his interns go on to become serious accountants in lots of places. His eldest daughter is in junior high now(“Sharper than her old man, and prettier than her mom. Don’t know what I'm going to do.”) and the youngest almost has his college paid for. 

But it’s not necessarily all beer and skittles.  Dmitri’s skills and talents are such that people come to him to find out things, like a private dick who works with numbers. This occasionally makes him enemies, which is why he's taken to running a couple of boxes of ammo through that piece every other week. Some of these people are freaks.  There was a guy who attempted to jump him one night and in the ensuing scuffle, Dmitri was SURE he’d shot the guy, but the guy ran and Dmitri gave chase, but as soon as he turned a corner, found the guy gone.  But that was a year ago and nothing else has come of it.  So far, the other shoe hasn’t dropped.

Attitude: “I think it was John D. McDonald who said that the essence of detective work is to ask questions and then figure things out. And then ask some more questions and figure more things out...and that when someone tries to kill you, it means you’re getting close.” *He smiles*  “We try to figure it out before it gets to that. Our clients are usually pretty happy. and to date, we remain un-killed.  My wife doesn’t think that joke is funny at all. Maybe I should stop telling it...”

Skills:  Stacked up mentals and 3 or better in physicals. Granted, he’s never going to be Mr. personality or be able to lie his way out of a wet paper sack. Almost all of his social dots landed in Composure. He never going to be good at Poker but he can clean up at blackjack.  Academics and science are pretty strong and a few good dots in computer and investigation. He’s in great shape and can use the gun pretty well. Fleet of foot and strong back would not be out of the question.

Gear:Has a Mac-air which he links up to his iPhone. He’s got a tiny multi-tool on his key ring, and his wallet is a slim leather affair.
the gun is a simple Sig Sauer 9mm with Glaser slugs (Glasers are a form of frangible round that make much larger exit wounds) 

Home: He got a nice place in the upscale burbs. The wife and kids live there and there is a fairly nice subscription security system on the place. Two car garage. They’ve got a nice pool too.

Circle: Dmitri knows most of his neighbors (although it’s Mary-Anne they all like) He’s got a number of clients who think he’s a damn miracle worker. He’s got Air Force buddies still and a few of them have wrangled the occasional contract for his firm. There’s also a bit of an informal accountant grapevine, so if he’s got any dots of contacts, that’s where they’ll be.

Story Uses:
“Yeah. You were right to bring this to me. These numbers aren’t right at all.”
There’s really only three ways to use Dmitri.
1) Looking into your affairs. (Which is likely to be a disaster for you.)
2) Looking into someone else’s affairs at your behest. (Which is likely a disaster for someone else... Unless they kill him.)
3) A super-normal guy and maybe Mary-Anne is the one with the freakish skeletons in the closet.

*There is a small private detective agency that occasionally requests a financial run-down on private individuals, nothing illegal mind you, just enough intel to develop a background picture. Dmitri has only met the man once or twice, but the work is decent pay and is mostly the sort of thing that can be farmed to the interns. What Dmitri doesn't know is that the man is Aldous Church.
* Alejandro Dean, of Holmes, Gillis, Baker, Savage, North, and Dean occasionally has work for Dmitri but there are times when the work is redacted to such a degree that Dmitri often feels like he's shooting in the dark. If Dmitri knew WHY, well.  He might have to disappear.
*He's occasionally caused a few troubles for members of The Vermillion House but nothing that's ever really stuck or troubled a member of the inner circle. If that were to happen, The cops would raid his office and discover that it was the internet hub for a child pornography ring.
*Patricia "Carnie" Pitt met him in passing once at the courthouse, where he was giving testimony. While she thinks he's kind of cute in a Rain-man sort of way, the line on the business card that caught her attention was "Forensic Accountant". That's the sort of thing to be filed away for a rainy day.

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