Concept: Pillar of the Community
AKA: Most know him simply as mister barlow, few are familiar enough to know him as “tommy”
Desc: Big and broad and barrel chested. White hair, capped teeth. Looks good in a cowboy hat and a string tie.Also tends to go for cowboy boots, but nothing overly adorned, plain black and/or brown is just fine. his suits tend to go the same way.
Drinks a bit and it’s starting to show on his face.
History:Thomas Morgan Barlow tells people he was raised on a farm. Which is technically true. His family OWNS a number of factory farms and many times they wintered there. and he did enjoy his time on the farms, but it wasn’t as if he was exactly stuck there. His father encouraged him to explore all aspects of the agribusiness consortium they owned and so he’s shorn sheep, and milked cows and all the folksy stuff that he likes to talk about at public events. But he also played polo and golf at the local country club.
T. Morgan Barlow
started a widely successful chicken shop franchise called “Winner,Winner,Chicken Dinner” or Winner’s Chicken for short. PC town has 14 shops and they’ve just broken ground on a new rendering and processing plant in one of the bedroom communities adjacent to PC town. While Millersburg needs the jobs, they have no idea how utterly filthy a chicken rendering plant is and how badly it will affect the local environment. Mr barlow has made certain that doctored studies have made it into the hands of the Millersburg city council.
As you might imagine, the whole plan was designed and directed by the higher ups of the Vermillion House. They intend to put the plant squarely on a large piece of land seized by eminent domain that was the largest locus in the area.
Attitude: “Son. If you want to get ahead in business You’re going to have to get tough. No one is going to give you anything in this world. No one ever gave anything to me.”
Skills: he’s made some very savvy moves in business over the years, but not because he’s super smart. but because he’s at least smart enough to recognize smart and hires the best bean counters that money can buy. Physically, he’s Ok. but nothing special. He’s got some size, some reach and a little boxing in his pockets. He’s been in a scrap or two in his life so he doesn’t get rattled easily in a tough situation.
Socially, he’s a shark. Like most sociopaths he’s gravitated to the top of his company because it’s where the power is.Also, he inherited it, He’s always convinced himself that it’s necessary to be the sort of person that can order a plant closing and then sleep like the dead that night.
Gear: He doesn’t like to carry anything in his hands so he’s got two men who follow him everywhere who carry his stuff. His iPad, his phone, his wallet. and the like.
Home: Palatial and with the kind of security you only see in a Ocean’s Movie. Massive pool. Spends much of his time in his personal study. otherwise he’d have to deal with his wife and his 8 children.
Circle: Unless you are rich, white and an evangelical christian, T Morgan Barlow doesn’t know you and doesn’t want to. In fact, he tends to abstain from most of the reindeer games at the vermillion house, not because of any real belief in God or any guilt of any kind, but because if ANY of it ever got out he’d never live it down.
Story Uses:
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head none. I’ll take care of the whole thing.”
Thomas makes a good target or antagonist. He’s a “pillar of the community” with all that that implies. He’s a good tool and probably even a good person to have in your rolodex for business related purposes. he’d very likely make a decent mentor for a person with similar attitudes as his.
Options: Obviously he’d make a decent ghoul for someone. he might be a part of some conspiracy outside of the Vermillion House. He might also be bankrolling one of the more christian flavored hunter groups.
Judge Stephen Warren Golf Buddies for life
Klaus Dietrich "Smartest man i know. Best banker I know too."
Blaise Newark "Never fails at what he does. Glad he's in my wallet."
Ralston Van Doren very interesting guy, but SO intense.
"Dr. Coulton Bennett" Thinking very seriously about donating to this cause.
Meredith Shaw "Known her since she was knee high to a grasshopper. Mean as a snake. just like her momma.
The Vermillion House A big contributor to the House general project fund. But not going to be considered for the inner circle because of his churchy leanings.
Holmes, Gillis, Baker, Savage, North, and Dean There was some unpleasantness some years ago with some widespread wage theft chicanery. Fortunately Roderick holmes was able to clear all that up.