Sunday, February 4, 2018

Judge Stephen Warren

Concept: Your Juridical nightmare (Part 2)

AKA: Not the sort of guy to attract nicknames.

Desc: White Anglo Saxon Protestant, and to such a degree that he resembles an X-Men Villain. Snow white hair that would fill Mike Pence with a gnawing envy. Skinny and pale. Bright blue eyes. Favors dark suits when not in his actual robes. Looks weirdly uncomfortable in casual wear. 

History: it is an unfortunate fact of life that people who are truly what you might call a “Villian” are always convinced that they are good and decent people and that they are doing the right thing. Whereas good and decent people are never really sure.  It’s like the Dunning-Kruger effect of morality. Steve Warren grew up VERY conservative. He was born into a monied and a politically oriented family. So he was groomed from an early age with certain attitudes and philosophies.
And those attitudes and philosophies managed to survive contact with other people at law school.
Look. It’s not as if Stephen is some kind of monster. He’s not. But he IS a racist, a sexist, And he considers any person with a religion that isn’t extremely protestant to be kidding themselves, and also tends to take their belief as a personal affront. (God help you if you walk into his court and profess a belief in the Church of the Subgenus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He’ll throw you up under the jail if he can.) Worse, He is routinely put into the position of holding the lives and livelihoods of people in his hands. His attitude towards the “peasantry” is well known and certain lawyers play up to it.
Stephen is a circuit court judge. Which means, that many times he is called on to provide judging for cases that happen in PC town and the surrounding counties which don’t have their own district courts. 

Attitude: “ The wheels of society can only turn when people understand the concept of right and wrong. YOU, Clearly have poor judgment when it comes to this most basic understanding. And you should feel bad about yourself. I’m remanding you to the Clearwater Penitentiary for a period of not less than six months and may GOD have mercy on your soul.

Skills: Physically, he’s not much. he’s got decent stamina because he’s shtupping a college girl and it’s put some actual muscle on his core and lower back. Socially, He’s pretty potent, especially with a certain segment of rich white people. He also is as intimidating as fuck when he’s working. Intellectually, He doesn’t seem to recognize that things are going to catch up to him and that maybe Karma is working on something special for him. He’s never been the brightest student. (He’s never had to be. His father bought the law school a building) and when it comes to women younger than his wife, he can’t seem to keep his hands off of them. He has fantasies about visiting someone charged with contempt of his court and then ruthlessly dominating them in their cell. SO, If you’re a woman and stuck in such a situation, where you are clearly ASKING FOR IT. He’s going to be licking his lips and seeing if it’s going to be possible.

Gear: Has a small pistol which he possesses a concealed carry permit for. Also has a smartphone

Home: Has a palatial McMansion out there in the rich suburbs. His wife Deirdre, spends much of her time and effort making certain that the place is neat as a pin and is a showplace on ten minutes notice. As a means of relaxing after ordering the domestics around all day, Deirdre enjoys being vigorously rogered by the Pool Boy and the Chauffer. Sometimes, both at once.
Deirdre is a sharp-voiced harridan and is easily as loathsome as Stephen is. She is a wheel in Reverend Mike’s church and her strident attitudes are easily as horrifying as Stephens

Circle: As you would imagine, Stephen and his wife surround themselves with like-minded, lily-white rich people and it should be no surprise that they hold membership in the Vermillion House.
Judge Warren also donates to white supremacist causes, although, he is smart enough at least to be sneaky about it and insulate himself somewhat.  Being a circuit court judge is an elected position and so far, it’s still not easy to get elected if you belong to the KKK. Boy, DIdn’t used to the be the case though. My grandfather told me stories...

Story Uses:”Look me in the eye when I’m talking to you!”
Obviously, Judge Warren is likely to be your personal nightmare if you end up in front of him. Especially if you happen to be a Woman or a POC. Or Poor. He will fuck up your life, and then go home and sleep in his enormous house...and not lose a wink of sleep over you. Once they drag you out, he will forget your face and your name.

“Don’t worry about any of that. I’ll take care of it.”
Naturally, all the things that make Stephen kind of loathsome, are the same sort of things that make him a useful tool. So, naturally, You’re going to want to put him in your pocket. There’s just one problem. The Vermillion House considers him an asset that ought to be protected. He possesses a ring that was gifted to him by one of their number. As long as he wears it, he possesses the merit(s) Unseen senses, and Indomitable. Not insurmountable, surely, but will make things interesting.

The Vermillion House (Considers him worth cultivating. He's a natural stopping point for any kind of scandal that might affect them. and he won't see a single ethical problem with it.)
The Caboose (A regular, as you might imagine. has a taste for girls into nose candy.)
Officer Honus Brightwater "he's a fine upstanding young man. Our community is lucky to have him."
Holmes, Gillis, Baker, Savage, North, and Dean "They're always fun to watch. Roderick and I went to law school together. No idea why he pals around with that... Cullen Gillis.Also: That Ilyana Baker? Quite possibly the best fuck of my life..."
Reverend Mike Plumber "Mike's a good man. Just one of the boys. He's great at barbecue. Also, keeps the peasants in line. It really is true, Religion is the opiate of the masses.  Mike is our Pfizer."
Robert Nathan Herbert "Don't worry about a thing Robert. I'll see to it, that none of your boys have a problem."
Christine Horowitz "Yeah. Someday. I'm going to stick my dick in that and reeducate that little bitch. Then I'm going to get her disbarred."
Reverend Dr. Miranda Goines  "This one...Ugh. Too bad she's smart enough and rich enough to be able to afford a really decent lawyer. I'd LOVE to throw the book at her."
Judge Mattarazzo  "John. You really need to stop acting as if your shit doesn't stink."

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