Concept: State Policeman/Problem Child
Desc: On the tall side, beefy and muscular with a slight pooch indicating the many hours he spends eating junk and sitting behind the wheel of his vehicle. Buzz cut. No facial hair. Lantern jaw. Small ears. A smile that isn’t really a smile. Eyes like a timber wolf. Total Alpha body language. (While many state police outfits are boy’s clubs for white folks, You could easily make Honus a black man as well, if you chose. Or file the serial numbers off and make him a latino for a statie in the southwest.
History: Grew up out in the sticks. Playground bully 4 life. Not really the most educated boy around, but able to knuckle down when it counted. and when it counted was the State Police academy of your chronicles home state. They say that there are only three reasons for a person to go into Law Enforcement. One is that it’s a family thing. Two, is that it’s a desire to make a difference and better your world and your community. Third, is that it gives you the legal right and enough cover to kill someone.
You do the math.
Brightwater has done some pretty callous and egregious crap in the name of “Protect and Serve” He’s been yelled at by more than one judge for being an idiot, although so far, no one’s managed to make perjury stick. (On the occasions when he gets caught, he plays dumb. People tend to believe him.)
Attitude: It’s not to say that Honus is particularly CORRUPT at all. He’s not. (Although he’s not above accepting a blowjob from pretty women looking to get out of a speeding ticket. I’m sure the fact that he actively looks for pretty women on the road is just coincidental.) He IS the sort of cop that just goes around asserting dominance in every single encounter with the public. Which, in fact, was the way he was trained. He takes ZERO shit off of any member of the public he interacts with, and has a playground bullies radar for weakness or fear. He certainly not afraid to hit you with that stick. He isn’t afraid to Taser anyone who isn’t instantly compliant with his commands. (He put an old man in the hospital doing just that.) He hasn’t actually shot anyone to death yet in the line of duty, but when he does, he will find himself remarkably untroubled by it. After all, they must have been bad people or he wouldn’t have drawn his gun in the first place.
Sure, you’ll probably have an easier encounter with him if you’re also white and polite. In his own mind, Brightwater never gives anybody trouble if they don’t trouble him first. But the line you can cross with him is already paper-thin at the point where he rolls up and asks for license and registration.
Put it this way, Honus Brightwater is the living personification of everything wrong with police work in this modern age. Go.
Skills: While not exactly swift on the uptake, he is proficient with the tools of his trade, He know how to use his sidearm well, his taser, pepper spray, and snap baton are second nature to him by now and he’s even got a riot shotgun under lock and key in the back of his car. further, he’s a skilled grappler if given the chance. probably using compliance or submission hold on you once, you’re already in cuffs. Moreover, he’s learned very carefully, how much he can get away with in front of his dash cam. And if your jurisdiction is one where the state police have to wear body cameras, (Most SP outfits vigorously oppose this) then Brightwater has become a goddamn genius at disabling his without anyone being the wiser...or caring.
He’s likely to have dots in combat marksmanship and police tactics. He'll be specced out for strength at the cost of stamina.
Gear:Most of his duty gear has already been mentioned above. He's got a pretty nice smart phone
Home: Has a nice little ranch style house in the burbs where he and his family live. Spends much of his time watching TV in the den.
Circle: A few friends from high school and his co-workers on the force, That's about it.
Gear:Most of his duty gear has already been mentioned above. He's got a pretty nice smart phone
Home: Has a nice little ranch style house in the burbs where he and his family live. Spends much of his time watching TV in the den.
Circle: A few friends from high school and his co-workers on the force, That's about it.
Story Uses:
* Unless your state police are involved in an action designed to curb interstate law breaking (Smuggling, drug running, etc...) They are out on the interstate highways, which is largely their jurisdiction. If your character has an operation that operates across state lines and is of the shady persuasion, Then you may encounter Honus in full S.W.A.T. mufti breaking down your door with a dozen friends, all of them willing to lie their asses off for him. Good luck.
*As a law enforcement officer, and a slightly bent one at that, there is always the possibility that Honus is in someone's pocket. So any harassment you receive might not be an accident.
* Every World of Darkness player has been in the position of having something or someone in the car that they shouldn’t. Brightwater is just another sign from the heavens that this night isn’t going to go your way. Of course, it might be interesting to see how the playground bully reacts to meeting real resistance for the first time in his meager life. There’s an even chance his training will kick in and he’ll keep shooting and not soil himself. But then again, hauling a guy like this up by his short and curlies is one of the few savage pleasures that supernatural creatures have. This guy WAS ASKING FOR IT.
* Asking for it, or not, Honus Brightwater is still a human being. He has a wife, (who unaccountably, loves him.) and three little ones, (All small eared, lantern jawed boys, all likely to grow up like dad.) A supernatural creature who kills him will have to contend with a news media that is going to take his telegenic family and flog them from here to yonder, and lionize the fallen officer as some kind of Law Enforcement deity who briefly walked among us.
* Charlie got the shit beat out of him once by Officer Brightwater. It's a crap shoot as to whether either one even remembers the incident.
* Homer Conway is his uncle. Honus may be either ignorant of his actual work, or turning a blind eye as you see fit.
* Teflon John Galloway has had some of his stash seized, but never actually been caught himself.
* Darla Grumman got pulled over and he tried to get her to go down on him, but she wasn't having ANY of that and demanded to be arrested in front of the dash cam. He nearly got suspended over that shit when she told her story in court.
* Charlie got the shit beat out of him once by Officer Brightwater. It's a crap shoot as to whether either one even remembers the incident.
* Homer Conway is his uncle. Honus may be either ignorant of his actual work, or turning a blind eye as you see fit.
* Teflon John Galloway has had some of his stash seized, but never actually been caught himself.
* Darla Grumman got pulled over and he tried to get her to go down on him, but she wasn't having ANY of that and demanded to be arrested in front of the dash cam. He nearly got suspended over that shit when she told her story in court.
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