Saturday, September 23, 2017

Lt. Lorraine Janofski

Concept: Cyber-Cop

AKA: Dickheads in the department have less than flattering names for Lorraine. Mostly they keep that shit under wraps because if Lorraine catches wind of it, bad things end up happening to them because Lorraine has some serious bureaucratic mojo.

Desc: Lorraine has a smile that lights up her whole face. Which is sad, because she doesn’t exactly smile a lot.  Her features aren’t terribly symmetrical and she isn’t disfigured or anything, but she isn’t “Cute” She keeps her hair short and in a regulation bob. She’s a nail-biter.  She’s fit enough but the physical requirements for the Cyber Crimes division are somewhat relaxed. Regardless, she pushes herself at the gym in order to keep the size of her ass under control. She wears glasses.  She has a nice voice and could have a career in Radio if she was interested in such a thing. She middling short.

History:  Lorraine is the sort of woman who realized at a relatively young age that she was never exactly going to be “Hot” and decided to make the most of what she did have. Lorraine had brains. Really good ones too.
While all of her brothers had some scholastic troubles. (Bela is a total duffer at anything involving math. Stefan wasn’t a strong reader.) Lorraine proved to be an academic machine. And frankly, could have gone anywhere and done anything she wanted to.
    Lorraine’s fascination with computers started relatively young. She probably would have drifted over into programming and maybe she would have made a million seller app and be richer than Croesus by now. But there was only one problem.  At the time, Women weren’t taken very seriously in geek dominated fields. and those that they did allow in, because of undeniable talent, often had to be as submissive as a geisha in order to stay working in the field.
   And that wasn’t ever going to be Lorraine. For one thing, She’s got a wicked sense of humor and a tongue so sharp, you wouldn’t know you were cut until you started bleeding in a dozen places. Also, She was raised with rowdy boys and has been taking Kempo classes since she was a tween.  One dude at a start-up she got involved with ended up with an arm broken in the 3 places for copping a feel. Then the boss fired her for “Not being a team player” Which everyone knew was utter bullshit.
      Lorraine comes from a cop family. And although she resisted it her whole life, she finally broke down and entered the academy. No one else working in computers would touch her with a ten-foot pole. Her former employers had seen to that.  She did her time on the street, hating it for the most part. (Although the night when she busted her former boss for drunk driving was PARTICULARLY satisfying.) But she had her eye on a career that wasn’t really a career yet, and that was computer crimes.
    And now here she is. A full Lieutenant, which is about as far as she’d like to go politically speaking. She effectively heads up Computer crimes division and rides herd on a cadre of well-trained cop/nerds and the occasional Black Hat working off a sentence. The men and women who work for her, love her to pieces and would do nearly anything for her. Conversely, they all live in terror that she’s going to give them a nickname or turn that acid sense of humor on them full bore....Most of them have never even seen her truly pissed.
  She feels like she’s finally got the career she’s been gunning for all this time...and yet... Is it going to be enough? She’s not met the right guy and mother is pestering her for grandchildren. (Grandchildren she is not actually keen to have, it ought to be mentioned) She wonders if maybe she’s missed her window.

Attitude: “Anything you find where knowledge is what makes it work, you’re going to find that people who HAVE that knowledge are going to take advantage of those that don’t have it. Computers run so many things in modern life and so few people actually know anything about how they work. We make sure that the wolves don’t kill the sheep. That is all there is to it.”

Skills: Dots in Professional Training: Cop and also Hacker. Decent dots in academics and she went to school with a fairly strong CS program. Plentiful dots in Investigation and computer of course.  She’s kept up with her Kempo and is likely to have merits that go along well with an appropriate fighting style. (Brawling dodge and disarm)
 Physically, she’s a little above average, and she WORKS at it as it is one of those things that doesn’t come naturally. Socially, She’s the sort of person who comes on slow. She doesn’t tend to make a flashy first impression, and she doesn’t possess the sort of social ease that her brothers have. But over time, people realize that they like her and her deadpan sense of humor. Of course, she’s learned a thing or two about “Social Engineering” in her career and she’s working on becoming better at that sort of thing.
Mentally, she’s fast on the draw, studies like a machine, and can stick to the plan like nobody’s business.

Gear: Duty issued sidearm. Taser (Which she prefers) and cuffs of course. Her work allows her to work in plainclothes or uniform as she prefers. Mostly she opts for plainclothes unless she needs to make an impression on a suspect.  Her Laptop bag sports a top of the line machine, (She never EVER waits for the department issue, she just get them to reimburse her) and it’s home to a 12 terabyte outboard drive and a double fist load of largish thumb drives. She also got a mini tool kit in there.

Home: Lorraine lives in an apartment building, in a little studio apartment. No pet although she’d like one. She works crazy long hours sometimes and when at home, spends much of her time setting in front her home machine slurping Maruchan noodles.  It wouldn’t be fair to the critter.  She HAS thought about getting some fish though.  Lorraine could actually afford to live somewhere much nicer but she’s frugal and as a result, she’s actually got a decent amount of money in the bank. There is a certain amount of Buddhistic calm that comes with having money in the bank.

Circle: She’s got friends in the department, friends in her Kempo classes (She helps Sensei teach classes now) and she’s got a number of people online, both cops and crooks that owe her. Mother keeps trying to drag her to church, but like the rest of the Janofski kids, Catholicism just turns her off. She can’t, however, bring herself to tell mom that she’s become an Agnostic even though Mom keeps introducing her to nerdier and nerdier Catholic men.
It’s tiresome.

Story Uses:
“Boys, I think it’s about time to initiate the whoop-ass protocols. KATO! FIRE THE WAVE-MOTION CANNON.”
Lorraine and her merry band are what stands between you and the adventurous life of data piracy. Sure, they may have a serious disadvantage like a society that doesn’t yet take their mission seriously or even wants to PAY for it if they did. But there ARE dedicated White Hats out there and Lorraine is one of them.  So if you’re looking to hack into the backbone of a banking network, or you’re just trying to fuck an underage girl you met online...She and her people are going to try to stop you.

“Look. I’m not a discursive person by nature. But I can’t talk about it. and I can’t talk about WHY.”
Because of the nature of her work, Lorraine is one of those people who it’s imperative for creatures looking to break to law, to suborn as quickly and as completely as possible. So far, no one’s managed it yet. Not for lack of trying though. Most of the time she’s surrounded by Law Enforcement professionals or fellow Kempo students. She’s not a social monster at all, and when she’s off the clock, she lives like a hermit.  But the day may come when some monster is nervy enough to simply roll up to her front door and put the whammy on her. When that happens, People are going to notice SOONER rather than later.

Officer Karl Richter "Yeah. We dated some when we were younger. I still...Think about him from time to time. He's got a heart of solid gold and his sister is still one of my best friends. I just hope I don't think of him as the "One that got away" till the day I die."
Judge Mattarazzo "Whatever you do kid. Don't attempt to go all "rain man" on Judge Mattarazzo. He's super sharp and he keeps up with things. He once quoted me chapter and verse of an article from Wired Magazine that I was using in my testimony. Have your shit together when you go to court.
Detective Dana Crowley "Whenever Dana turns up in front my desk. I know things are about to get fucking serious."
Boolie Hinson  "This guy is good. and worse, he's FAST."
Rupert Lowdermilk "I have enough on this little twat-waffle to put him away for years, but I'm waiting. I want this shit-posting little fuck to be tried as an adult.
*  T.C. Mitnick  "We were closing in on this guy some years ago, I hear he's still out there and doing work. When we tried to pinch him, he had some massive fire sale Macro and he dropped it on us and then we had to scramble like mad to get things back under control. it was in the papers.  I'd love to bring him in, but it has to be done right, and GOD help us if he's wired something up to go sideways on the power grid and some overzealous swat cop shoots him dead. We'll never break the encryption."
Detective Bela Janofski "My elder brother. Who I love very much. Even if I did give him the nickname..." 

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