Concept: Vice Cop (Decent)
Desc: Long brown hair, and brown eyes. beard and mustache. Tends toward blue jeans, work boots, and a denim jacket. Is able to put on a pretty convincing façade of utter stupidity, but he’s actually very very smart. Kind of on the short side.
History: A middle child from a cop family. His father and elder brother have died in the line of duty. (his brother’s death was fairly suspicious, while his fathers was a simple heart attack.) His little sister is smarter and went into I.T. crimes and will probably make Captain before he does. His mother went back to school and got a master’s in psychology and now writes books about criminal psychology that are making her a known name in profiling circles.
So yeah, Law enforcement is kind of a family thing.
While Bela never had Stefan’s golden touch nor his gazelle-like physique. He did have a certain dogged bloody-mindedness that served to get him through the academy and get him through his years as a patrolman. Originally, Bela worked narcotics but didn’t like it much, and when he got shot 4 times during a buy-bust that went extremely south, it kind of sealed the deal. Bela is not a police politics guy. He’s much more interested in doing the job. So rather than go into Homicide in order to get on the promotion track, he decided to go into Vice. He figured it was a bit more peaceful than Narcotics at any rate.
And to a degree, that’s true. He’s a known face to most of the pimps, madams, and sex industry people that he has contact with. He’s known to be unfailingly polite for the most part. He’s also known to be sharp as hell. No one knows if he’s ever taken a dime more than he earns on his paycheck.
Don’t get me wrong. He’s been tempted. His ex-wife and his two girls have taken a large portion of his earnings. But he’s not touched anything that wasn’t his...Yet.
I should mention that although many people think his nickname comes from his dogged unrelenting nature when on a case, it actually stems from an extremely ill-timed booger picking incident. He doesn't like to talk about it.
Attitude: Do the work. It’s no use being a shit-heel to people who have had to turn to this sort of life, and it would likely surprise a number of people to know how much usable intel is available for a little consideration down the road. Narcotics, in particular, ought to shut their damn traps about the kind of work I do. The one thing that does tend to get under his skin are pimps who beat or addict their workers in order to keep them working. There used to be this guy named “Engine” Big old white supremacist S.O.B. who ran a string of whores down on the south side. Once, he started going to work on one of his women and Bela happened to see it. Climbed up in his pockets and broke him down like a cardboard box. Broke his pelvic bone in 2 places. Peed blood for a month from what I heard. Never saw him again on the street after that.
Skills: Likely to have dots in combat marksmanship and police tactics of course. Is also an experience Martial artist of some form of jiu-jitsu of some flavor. Is a decent investigator of course, but is also fairly good at the more social aspects of his work. Is surely capable of interrogating, but rarely gets all third degree on anybody. He’s much better at simply eliciting information from people and occasionally backs that up with little bits of cash for his C.I.’s Is likely to have oodles of contacts and allies dots.
Gear: Carries a standard duty sidearm, and a combination flashlight/stun gun. Has an older model smartphone with a few apps, a couple of games, and a ton of music. He also carries a Passport style outboard solid state hard drive. He’s got a wallet with about a dozen pictures of his daughters. He occasionally takes them out and broods over them.
Home: Lives in an efficiency apartment. He doesn’t have a lot of stuff and doesn’t sweat the fact that the place is tiny. He doesn’t mind. On days off, he sits on the back patio and reads. With an occasional beer.
Circle: As extroverted as he is, his job has more or less taken over his life. It’s probably why his marriage went south. So he doesn’t have many people in his life who aren’t family, wearing a badge or working on the street somewhere.
Story Uses:
“You know...When you were able to keep it all on the down-low, We were fine. Now?...”
If your character is involved in the sex trade in some way, you’ll run across Detective Janofski at some point or another. And if you’re polite and don’t victimize the people working for you, then odds are good that SOME kind of arrangement can be made. But make no mistake. Bela is an officer of the law. If it's an election year, you and your people may have to go downtown for a bit. He won’t compound that by being a shitheel to you, but he won’t take any shit from you either.
If however, you aren’t good to the people you employ, or worse, victimize people who work for others in order to push out the competition, then you’re going to meet a very different Detective Janofski. You won’t like that guy. He’s serious.
“Jasmine, my dove. do me a favor, take this 50 bucks and get off the street. You’re making me cold just looking at you. If T-Bone gives you any lip, you tell him I’ll run HIS narrow ass in.”
Bela is a genuinely decent guy. More laid back than most cops. Doesn’t feel like he has to prove anything to anyone and isn’t terribly ambitious when it comes to police work. It’s something he’s just always know how to do, and he does it. If anything he takes after his mother and is becoming more and more interested in the field of forensic psychology. He’s seriously considering taking early retirement and going back to school to hang out a shingle as a departmental consultant. He’d make a good ally for nearly anyone who doesn’t beat up or kill hookers.
“I think I should be more ashamed than I am actually.”
While Bela has never taken a nickel more than he was due, he knows people in the department who do. He’s thought about it long and hard. Pondered and considered it carefully. If he was going to do it, he wouldn’t do it stupidly. But he might do it...if he were desperate.
Just saying.
*Knows all the cops and most of the Lawyers. The list is getting hefty at the time of this writing. So I'm not going to go into that.
* The Vermillion House "Look, one hears whispers about things that are going on. I call these things, "Blue Harvest" cases. I keep tabs on that stuff...The file is getting thick. and anytime I turn around and start to suspect that something is a "Blue Harvest" case, I bump into Holmes, Gillis, Baker, Savage, North, and Dean.
* Big Dan Tarleton "Prick. But good with his fists. Better than me."
* Lewis Flowers Occasionally hooker's bodies turn up with occult sigils carved into them. It's officially a federal matter now. Classed as Serial Murder. But Bela still keeps tabs on it.
* Bryson Import/Export If Bela knows about this thing, he hasn't said a thing. But if he hasn't, he WOULD know most of Esmerelda's stable on sight. So it could get complicated real fast.
* Patricia "Carnie" Pitt "She's cute. I like her. But I think her eyes slide right off me.
* Miss Virgie Hawkins "Love that old lady. Always seemed to have good advice right at the time you needed it most."
* Madame Wu "I wish I spoke Chinese. I might be able to get closer to this woman. As it is, I'm starting to think she's a myth.
* Drago Velikovski " I don't hate the guy. he treats his people right. Still, I'd want to be there when he screws up. I'd rather bring him in, and do so respectfully. Rather than have some kind of firefight.
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