Monday, May 11, 2015

Optional Mechanic: Haven: Mobility

Disclaimer: Please, talk to your GM before putting this or any other optional mechanic offered on this blog, onto your sheet.  GM’s have a long history of being approached by exuberant players with some damn thing or other offered on the internet, and we, as a whole, have a right and a duty to be suspicious about such things.  Many times these things are weirdly structured, or bend game balance over the coffee table and have their nasty way with it.  You will find that your GM is more likely to respond well to suggestion and negotiation rather than pleading and crocodile tears.  As always YMMV.

Haven: Mobility (* to *****)  (Note: Useful for nearly any other type of supernatural housing situation as well.)

At times, you might get the bright idea to have a place for yourself that can move around a bit, making you more of a moving target.  This facet of your haven is bought like any other, but details where and how your haven can travel.   Havens with any dots of Mobility cannot also possess Location. The ability to move around cancels the mechanical benefit of having a specific place where your feeding is easier.   Unless otherwise indicated by your ST, haven mobility must be bought up to the level desired at initial purchase, and cannot be changed thereafter. Additionally, there may also be Resource pre-requisites for a mobile haven.

* Any mobile haven that can move about in a set specific area or can be made mobile with the work of an hour or so.  This models any place like a double-wide mobile home or an underground train car/Sepulcher.

** Any Haven that can go anywhere an ordinary motor vehicle can go. (Stretch limo, tour bus, winnebago, Old car with enormous trunk, etc...)

*** Any vehicle capable of traveling off-road as well as on, OR any vehicle that is capable of traveling on the water. (Yacht, houseboat, any vehicle with tank treads,  Large ATV,  This also covers amphibious vehicles.)

**** Any vehicle that can travel in a standard medium (A submarine, any aircraft from a single engine prop plane to a zeppelin)

***** A vehicle that can travel in non-standard mediums (Only with ST approval of course, Any vehicle that can travel THROUGH the earth, into space, or inter-dimensionally. Obviously this sort of vehicle is normally only common for Mages.

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