Disclaimer: Please, talk to your GM before putting this or any other optional mechanic offered on this blog, onto your sheet. GM’s have a long history of being approached by exuberant players with some damn thing or other offered on the internet, and we, as a whole, have a right and a duty to be suspicious about such things. Many times these things are weirdly structured, or bend game balance over the coffee table and have their nasty way with it. You will find that your GM is more likely to respond well to suggestion and negotiation rather than pleading and crocodile tears. As always YMMV.
Mental Merit: Scent Library (***)
While this merit is likely to be of use to a plethora of supernatural creatures with heightened or enhanced senses, it is not beyond the pale for human beings to have trained their senses to razor keenness. Perhaps your human character is a professional “Nose” who works in the perfume industry, or is far too into Sherlock Holmes, or has studied Raja Yoga for years.
The sense of smell is one of the most visceral senses, and is most closely linked to memory. A character with this merit has taken some time and effort to learn how best to use his or her olfactory senses to their utmost. Any time a character is attempting to discern the nature of a smell, Typically an Intelligence roll paired with various complimentary skills. (Survival is a good default in case nothing else fits.) This roll is considered a Rote Action.
Moreover, this merit allows the character that possesses it to effectively have an eidetic memory, for his or her sense of smell. Allowing the character to memorize the scents of persons or places for later comparison.
Naturally, a person with this sort of specialized sensory apparatus can have major problems when assaulted with unpleasant smells. If an odor has a mechanical effect, like say subtracting dice from a normal person, then the person armed with Scent Library is going to be 3 additional dice down on actions while so afflicted. Sadly this may only affect human characters. Supernatural creatures with heightened senses tend to be more resilient to adverse stimuli. Although at GM's option they may still suffer from some ill effects.
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