One of the things they don't tell you when you're first starting out in this bizarre little pantomime is that things are rarely cut and dried. The times when one knows that one is acting in the right are countable on one hand in the life of a magus.
Of course, the dark is bad. Of course, the dark is evil. Of course, the dark means to do you ill.
But the thing that you usually miss in the throes of youth and inexperience is that the light comes with heat and too much of it can burn you. The light is as impersonal and uncaring as the dark. We can be ground between the gears of the endless struggle between the two if we aren't very careful.
Making deals with angels is every bit as dangerous as making deals with demons. With demons, there is always the expectation of being screwed. And for their part, they always expect us to try to screw them in exchange. That's par for the course.
But you never expect an angelic being, a power of light, a being supposedly composed of perfect love, to screw you over, and always mouthing the belief that they are doing it for the greater good.Possibly even YOUR greater good.
Bloody pricks.
And of course, if you try to wriggle out from under the hammer, their fury is intimidating, and the collateral damage is impressive. My experience with them leads me to posit the theory that the peoples of Sodom and Gomorrah were regular people like us. They just made a deal with the powers beyond human morality and as such suffered as none had before... or since.
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