Thursday, March 5, 2015

Charlie tells it like it is.

So I don't see right no more. I got four more colors than most normal peoples…
You'd think that wouldn't be a bad thing or nothing, but it does a number on my ability to perceive.

See. I know that guy over there. Don't look at him. You know, THAT dude. I know he ain't right no more. Too many sumbitches like that creeping round this neighborhood.

I seen that one dude from the tv in this neighborhood. I axed him for a cigarette. He wasn't weird about it or nothing, but he said he didn't smoke. But he had colors in his eyes where you ain't supposed to have them…I heard on the TV that they found the leg of some secretary in his freezer or some shit.

Naw, that don't confront me none. I don't really worry none, cause i still got agent orange in my blood. They say i taste funny or some shit.

You think i don't know what I'm talkin bout? Motherfucker, I got a ECONOMICS DEGREE and shit!

Tha's right. I'm trine to drop some wisdom on yo ass!  You better recognize.

I seen one dude standing on the corner looking at people like he was hungry. I seen some girl go up the side of a building once like a cat up a fence.

I was over on 7th street bout a month ago and I seen this dude… I dunno, there's this lot over there. He was standing on the corner and he had this paper bag in his hand. I think he got it from that place over there that sells porn. Dude has a suit on, no business bein in this neighborhood, so I'm thinking, the porn must be really nasty or some shit, but then i get a look at his face.

He's looking into the empty lot like he's standing in some kind of…i dunno. cathedral or some shit.  He got a look on his face like Jesus is talking to him and tellin him the kind of things that only Jesus knows. Know what i mean?

He turns to me and his eyes…Dude's eyes are making my blood go cold, he says, real low like, he say. "So beautiful."

That's all he said. and then he slumped over. He wuz already cold when he hit the ground.
If I'm lying i'm dying junior.

And i'm standing there, my nerves screaming at me to get out, to get gone up outta there…And I look. I only look with the ONE eye.

I think that's the only thing that saved me truth be told. I couldn't see the shape of it, but i could feel it.  It wuz hungry.

That's why i got more colors than other people do. Regular people only got a tiny slice of the visual spectrum. I got a few extra.  You try to imagine what it's like when you meet somebody who's blind or deef. It's like that, only reversed.  I see more of reality that humans are built to.  It does things to you…Things i ain't got words for.

Tha's why i don't go round 7th street no mo. Damn if I'm gonna let that thing catch me motherfucka.

You got a cigarette?

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