Friday, March 27, 2015

The Demonic Dialogues(3)

"Why did the war start?"
"Well, I wasn't there at the start of it, as I said. I was a Djinn at that time. But, I suppose that I joined the Demonic Host because Djinn have traditionally always had contempt for the human race.
"Really? Why?"
(The subject smiles) "You don't fly. What sort of creatures are you, that you cannot taste the sky? We looked on you the same way you probably look at slugs and such."
"We can fly now." 
"I know. More's the pity."
"Are you dodging the question?"
(Subject rolls eyes) "In truth, I don't know. I can know many things, but there are things that are veiled from my sight. The inner mysteries of the mind of God, the Adversary, and other entities with portfolio fall under that purview. I can, however, speculate."
"Yes. I can speculate. I do, however, have to be clear that what I am speaking is speculation, but I am allowed to."
"Alright then, why do you THINK the war started?"
"Thank you. See, that wasn't so hard. You're doing very well you know." 
"Spare me. The War..." 
"Right. Well, I think the war started over Aesthetics." 
"Are you some sort of cleverly disguised parrot? I THINK the war began... because the Adversary wanted everything to be beautiful. He wanted sentient beings to be like unto God himself. He wanted existence to have internal logic and symmetry. He wanted the world to be a like a lamp lit by the Holy Spirit instead of the rude base matter it is. He didn't agree with the final direction of the plan. Simple as that, and since this "Passion Play" can only have one director..."
"But if everything was beautiful then nothing would be."
"Not entirely true...But, being saddled with ugliness in all its forms would be one Aesthetic we wouldn't have to deal with. I think the Adversary merely wanted things to be more...Pure. I mean look at you..."
"I'm sorry?"
"You certainly are. You are such crude models of what you could be. You can't even be counted on to pass the portion of beauty you have on to your progeny...and your bodies...Ugh! Most of the demons of my acquaintance feel in need of a shower in fire after dealings with your kind. Feces! Snot! Phlegm! Pus! Yuck! You are practically micturating machines, fluids from nearly every orifice you possess!" (The subject shudders uncomfortably, and then seems to re-assert his control) "I am sorry. I apologize. I try not to editorialize, especially since it's not your fault. The accident of your birth. I try...I actually try somewhat hard to be generous."
"I'm not sure I believe you." 
"I'm sure I don't care what you believe."
"In truth, a lot of the war was over you. His vision for you. And in truth, you are not without a beauty of your own. It's simply harder to get at. Perhaps more valuable as a result. You're certainly more complicated...I mean that in a good way."
"I'm sure."
"Oh now. Don't be like that. I am, and I believe I covered this, incapable of either sparing your feelings or shining you on. It works both ways, see?"
"I'm beginning to see why the other Demons avoid you." 
"C'est la Guerre."

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